Overtown Outreach: T-shirt & Bottled Water Distribution - 9.9.23

September 9, 2023 | 10 AM-12 PM | Please fill out this volunteer sign-up form for the Overtown Outreach: T-shirt & Bottled Water Distribution.

Meet at Vive at 9:15 AM to carpool to Overtown.

Note: Due to the sensitivity of this outreach event, participation is only for adults age 18+.


September 9, 2023 | 10 AM-12 PM
Please fill out this volunteer sign-up form for the Overtown Outreach: T-shirt & Bottled Water Distribution.

Meet at Vive at 9:15 AM to carpool to Overtown.

Note: Due to the sensitivity of this outreach event, participation is only for adults age 18+.