Married Couples Life Group | Kingdom Marriage | Fall 2024

September 27, 2024 - November 22, 2024 | Select Fridays (tentative: 9/27, 10/25, 11/22), 7-9 PM | Freedom Room | Sign up for our Married Couples Life Group | Kingdom Marriage for the Fall 2024 season.


Be sure to purchase the book, Kingdom Marriage: Connecting God's Purpose with Your Pleasure, available on Amazon.
This Life Group is for married couples only.

For "Birthdate," please list your birthdate with the year you were born. Don't worry, we only ask for this because we'd love to celebrate you!

Life Group Guidelines

1. Be on Time. To the best of your ability please come on time each week. We commit to you that we will begin and end on time. 

2. Be Considerate. If you must be absent, please inform your leaders. You will be missed when you’re not here. 

3. Be Open. We realize that trust grows over time. In our life group, we invite you to share openly about yourselves. If opening up in a group setting is risky, be confident that you don’t have to share or participate more than what you’re comfortable with. 

4. Be Trustworthy. Confidentiality is extremely important. What is said in the group is considered confidential and will not be discussed outside the group unless specific permission is given to do so. Share with your friends and family what you are learning, but do not share the content of other people’s issues! 

5. Be Attentive. Listen attentively when group members talk. We will all learn from each other’s insights. Whenever possible, link what you say to the comments of others so the group stays on the topic. Please avoid side conversations. 

6. Be Accepting. Practice acceptance with one another. Avoid being shocked if someone shares startling information. Be sensitive to one another. Remember, every one of us is at a different place on the journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. Let’s respect that. 

7. Be Gracious. Be careful not to dominate the discussion. We are sometimes so eager to share what we have learned or experienced that we do not leave opportunities for others to respond. By all means participate, but allow others to do so as well. 

8. Be a Student. Please come with a teachable heart and open attitude to learn and grow. EXPECT to learn and grow through the material being discussed and through the other members in the group. 

9. Be Personal. Talk about yourself and your own situation, avoiding conversation about other people. Use “I” statements, rather than using “we” or “you.”

10. Be Careful. Be very cautious about giving advice. Ask the person if they’d like some feedback. Or, ask them what they need from the group right now. 

11. Be Present. Please silence your cell phones, unless there is an important exception. Make a pact with yourself that you can and will give this time to yourself and others and not be a slave to those not present/your phone. 


September 27, 2024 - November 22, 2024 | Select Fridays (tentative: 9/27, 10/25, 11/22), 7-9 PM | Freedom Room
Sign up for our Married Couples Life Group | Kingdom Marriage for the Fall 2024 season.


Be sure to purchase the book, Kingdom Marriage: Connecting God's Purpose with Your Pleasure, available on Amazon.