Discover: New Members Event - 9.24.23

September 24, 2023 | 2 PM | Discover is your opportunity to learn about Vive City Chapel, your God-given purpose, and get plugged in!

You will learn more about what and why we do certain things at Vive City Chapel, while also understanding how God created you as a leader to impact the world.

Please register for Discover by completing this form.

Meet in the Freedom Room.
Please select one option.


September 24, 2023 | 2 PM
Discover is your opportunity to learn about Vive City Chapel, your God-given purpose, and get plugged in!

You will learn more about what and why we do certain things at Vive City Chapel, while also understanding how God created you as a leader to impact the world.

Please register for Discover by completing this form.

Meet in the Freedom Room.